
Welcome to my Web Showcase.

As a lot of you know, my thing is Adjustable Razors. This is really a catalog of what I have, what I know about them and my thoughts on them. As I add to my collection and use them, I will be giving and updating my thoughts on them.

And Oh-Yes, if you have an adjustable that I don't have and wish to sell it, I am interested in talking to you...
Please contact me HERE.


Latest razor pages or page updates

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Whityle ND Yaqi TFC OC Yaqi Avanti Yaqi Torqx Stando Tryglaw
New Design
Final Cut Open Comb

Latest Page Updates

Newest to oldest. (Click on the Bold text to take you to the page.)

Gillette Date Codes - My version of the widely available table.
Six Generations of Erfa Rasant - Their evolution and their differences.
Toggle Differences - The differences between the three versions.
Yaqi Shootout - Yaqi Zamak vs Brass vs Stainless Steel comparison.
Parker Variant Shorty - It now has it's own page.
Eclipse Red Rings - Gen 2 vs Gen 3 Twist knobs - The Difference between them.
Rocnel Shootout - 2021 vs 2022.
Rocnel Shootout - 2020 vs 2022.
Apollo Mikron Generation 1 - Handle and Thread Repair.