Grath - The Life Time Razor

The Grath - Life Time Razor was manufactured around 1930 by the Grath Adjustable Razor Co in Los Angeles, California.
The kit comes complete with a stropping handle and a Whetstone/Strop. There is an original blade in the package but the edge is chipped. I was supplied with a 7/8 (Extra Hollow Ground) JA Henckels blade as part of the deal.
The adjustment is a moving safety bar that is moved in and out by two small adjustment screws. The safety bar can be pulled right in so that the blade edge overhangs and pushed right out. (seen best in the last picture below)
The handle is bent at an angle as to make finding the shaving angle intuitive.

Short version - Its a Safety Razor handle for a Straight.


Grath Adjustable Grath Adjustable Grath Adjustable
Grath Adjustable Grath Adjustable Grath Adjustable
How does it shave?
I found it to be a pretty effecient shaver, but the first time out, I got cut by the sharp corners of the blade. I've since rounded them!!
The second time out - There was a fair amount of blade feel and I found shaving against the grain under my nose a little uncomfortable. Other than that it was great.

Grath Adjustable SOTD Grath Adjustable SOTD