Stando Tryglaw

Stando Logo

This is another Gibbs Homage razor and is manufactured in Poland.

The topcap is thicker than other Gibbs style razors, so it feels a bit more top heavy then normal.
Moving down a bit - the numbers have been replaced by the word "S T A N D O" however because the thread is a right hand thread the word versus the dial movement is "reading" the wrong way. (not that really look for numbers.)
The handle is a long 90mm. If you are a regular here or my Instagram page, you would know that I generally prefer handles to be around 75-80mm but with the heavier head it does balance it out a bit. The knurling isn't sharp however is sufficient to stop the razor slipping.

The polishing well done, the engraving deep and smooth, so the overall finish is great.

The handle itself does not have a stop in it and screws on too far. The way that I set it up is as follows:
       - Unscrew the handle at least 1½ turns. (the adjuster dial musn't touch the top of handle itself.)
       - Install the blade and topcap and while holding only the handle, tighten up the twistknob.
       - If you have done everything correctly the adjuster dial should turn freely so it can be adjusted on the fly.
       - Its definitely not ideal but it is the work-around.

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How does it shave?
Firstly it has very little drag. I guess that this is because of the polish on it.
From closed to about ¾ of a turn, it's a pretty mild "weekend" shaver. Opening it a little further it becomes an effecient shaver but does have some blade feel.
Overclocking it beyond a full turn increases the blade feel a fair bit, but does not change the effeciency much.

tryglaw SOTD tryglaw SOTD tryglaw SOTD tryglaw SOTD


Stando Tryglaw 06 Whats in the box.

It normally comes in a wooden box with a slide top but I had a friend going to Europe with only hand luggage who brought it back for me, hence the cardboard box.

It also normally has a tuck of blades which I asked to be taken out. The rest of the toys are the razor itself, a polishing cloth, a sticker and a business card.