Yaqi Avanti

This is Yaqi's version of the long-running Merkur Progress. They were released in September 2024.
The initial few went out to the "influencers" a month or so before. They found that the "1" didn't line up with the dot on the handle when the blade was in. Yaqi corrected it before they went up for sale.

People have been asking for a Stainless Steel Progress for as long as I've been collecting.
Love it or hate it - Gone is the white plastic knob. It's been replaced with one that looks like its been influenced by a Rocnel Sailor. The other slight change is that the scallops on the safety bar are also gone.

These are the gaps as published by Yaqi. Avanti Gaps



Yaqi Avanti Yaqi Avanti Yaqi Avanti
Yaqi Avanti Yaqi Avanti Yaqi Avanti


How does it shave?
One shave in and it feels like its going to be a great shaver. My last use of a Progress was a few months back so a "Back-2-Back" is on the cards.
One of my first adjustables was my Merkur Progress and whenever I use it I get a sense of deja-vu. I got that same feeling while using it. I used it at a ½ turn and it cleaned up most of the stubble on the first run. Any balance was cleaned up during the ATG pass. I missed a small section - my fault, not the razors.

Yaqi Avanti SOTD