Yaqi Adjustable Shootout

This idea has been in the back of my mind since the Ultima came out. When I first used the Ultima, I thought that its close enough to the Zamak The Final Cut as not to matter and didn't really give it too much more thought - UNTIL.....

First let me start with some background.
Since the the TFC was released I have thought that its the best "Bang for Buck" adjustable razor. Its cheap and gives a great shave which is up there amongst the best of the "currently available" adjustables. It comes with the ability to overclock it straight away.
When the Brass Version was released, I felt some drag and thought that it was a milder shaver but also thought that the since TFC can be overclocked and this one couldn't, that it would make a difference. I made my overclock adjuster dial and yes it does make a difference but I still thought that the TFC remained the better shaver.
Came the Ultima and I thought - drag pretty much gone but still milder than the TFC. It also has no ability to overclock it out of the box so again I made an overclock dial. I think that its awesome value for money when compared to the other stainless steel adjustables out there however dispite that, I still thought that the TFC was the slightly better shaver.

THEN - A few days ago, I used the TFC after quite a while and thought - 💡 WOW 💡.

The Yaqi published gaps on the various razors are as follows. Looking at them some it makes sense.

  Zinc Alloy Brass Ultima
(for Overclocking add 1mm to the gaps below)
01 0.90mm 0.75mm 0.75mm
02 1.05mm 0.85mm 0.85mm
03 1.15mm 0.95mm 0.95mm
04 1.30mm 1.10mm 1.05mm
05 1.45mm 1.30mm 1.25mm
06 1.60mm 1.55mm 1.45mm

The idea for the shootout is to just change the razor for three days, change soap and run the next three days with the same soap again.
For the first three shaves, I'll use Rubberset/Synthetics and for the last three it will be Rubberset/Natural Hair.

The first three shaves were with a well used Wizamet and Mammoth Beloved soap.

Shave One - Brass Version
Since the blade is well used, I started with what I believed is the mildest version.
I started with the setting on 4. It was too mild and pushed it to 6 for the first WTG part. I turned it ½ a turn for the ATG part and kept it there for the XTG part of the shave.
I ended up pretty smooth but it didn't quite clear some small but normally difficult patches.
My first surprise - It's slightly better than I expected.

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Shave Two - Ultima
In keeping with the first shave, I started on number 4 again and did the same, quickly up to 6 and then a ½ turn for the ATG and XTG passes.
There is definitely less drag with the Ultima, how much is debatable and the shave was slightly better than the Brass version. I can still feel some slight stubble in the difficult spots but less than yesterday.

The blade is dragging and normally I would have swopped the blade mid-shave, but I'll stick to the original plan and stay with it tomorrow.

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Shave Three - The Final Cut
As mentioned above and in keeping with the first shave, I'll keep the blade and start on number 4 again and assess from there.
Again, I started on 4 and dialed it to 6 straight away for the first WTG pass. At 6 its definitely the most aggressive of the three. I then dialed it up a ¼ turn for the ATG and XTG passes and I'm pretty much where I was yesterday.
After these three shaves - my initial gut-feel was correct, except that the brass version is a fair bit closer than I originally thought.

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For the next three shaves I'm changing soaps to Zeus God of Thunder by Master Soap Creations and switching to Rubberset handles with Natural hair knots...... and Ah Yes - a new Wizamet.

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Shave Four - Brass Version
A much better shave than the first one, which is of course to be expected as the blade is new.
I started on 2 and left it there for the first WTG pass, dialed it up to 4 for the ATG and XTG passes. It didn't miss anything in my normal difficult spots however there is still that drag that the satin brass seems to have. I did catch a small weeper on my top lip.

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Shave Five - Ultima
I started on 2 and like the previous day kept it there for the first pass and again dialed it up to 4 for the next two passes.
It's a very similar shave to the brass version except that there is pretty much no drag. Again there are no missed areas. Today, I was weeper free - just saying ;-)

Shave Six - The Final Cut
As mentioned above and in keeping with the first shave, I'll keep the blade and start on number 4 again and assess from there.
I started on 2 again and left it there for the first two (WTG/ATG) passes. For the XTG pass I pushed it up to 3.
This version is definitely the most aggressive/best shaver. There is a fair bit of blade feel but pretty much what I would expect for the level of aggression.

Overall Conclusions:
At the time of writing this
First one is that the Brass version is a lot closer to the Stainless Steel version than I originally thought and both of them will give a great shave.
The Ultima is half the price of its nearest stainless steel rival and just as good a shaver. It blows away the competition.
The TFC is the most aggressive shaver even without the overclocking ability.
The TFC ramains the "Best Bang For Your Buck" adjustable razor.

If I were only allowed one of them, I would choose the Ultima. Why do I say that - Its more about why I wouldn't choose the TFC. Been a budget razor the plating is iffy in places and if you are prepared to keep it clean, it will last a very long time. The Ultima however been stainless steel doesn't require the same level of care and WILL last you a lifetime. If it becomes your daily driver you will get used to it.